EuReCa 2023

EuReCa - FAQ

FAQ du programme doctoral international EuReCa


What are the eligibility criteria?
Applicants must:
- Not have lived in France for more than 12 months during the 3 years prior to January 9, 2023 (Mobility rule)
- Have (or be about to obtain) a European master’s degree, or have an equivalent master's degree which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate.
- Be an Early-Stage-Researcher (ESR). ESRs shall at the call's deadline (Jan. 9th) be in the first four years (full-time equivalent research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.

What are the nationalities who can apply?
We welcome applicants from all nationalities, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.

I have done my university studies outside of France but will earn my Master’s degree or equivalent from a French institution, am I eligible?
Yes, if you have not lived, studied or worked in France for more than 12 months during the past 3 years. The reference date is the first application deadline, January 9, 2023.

Is it possible to apply if I have not obtained my master’s degree (or equivalent) yet?
Yes, applications can be submitted before obtaining the degree, but you must have obtained your degree by September 30, 2023 to be eligible. In the case you still haven’t get your Master’s diploma or equivalent, you can upload a signed letter from the graduate office instead.

Is there an age limit to apply for the EuReCa PhD Program?
There is no age restriction to apply for the EuReCa International PhD program.

Are there specific language requirements to apply for the EuReCa PhD program?
The working language at Institut Curie is English; it is not necessary to speak French. Proficiency in written English and fluency in spoken English are required, since the whole program is operated in English. PhD fellows can attend French classes upon their arrival.

Are reference letters required for my application? If so, how many?
Yes, two recommendation letters are required for your application. Your two referees have to upload their letters themselves before the end of the call for applications so that your application is complete. Please note: a third reference letter will not be accepted.

How will I know if my application is eligible?
Applicants who have submitted ineligible applications will be informed.
Eligible applications will go through the 1st selection round. The 20 pre-selected applications will be ranked by the Review Committee. The 3 to 5 best-ranked candidates will be invited for the online interview session in April (2ndselection round).


Application process


What is the application process?
After the end of the call for applications, eligibility of applications will be checked. The best ranked 20 applications will then be scored and ranked by an independent Review Board who will shortlist the 3 to 5 best-ranked applicants (1st selection round). These shortlisted candidates will be invited for an online interview session (2nd selection round).

Nov. - Jan. 9th 2023 Call for applications
January - February 2023 Eligibility check of applications - results mid-February
March 2023 First selection round: evaluation of applications - results between mid-March and early April
April 17-19 2023 Second selection round: interviews held online - results between in May
Sept. 2023 Start of 3-year working contract

When does the application process begin?
The call for applications opens mid-november 2022.

What is the deadline to apply?
Applications may be submitted until January 9, 2023, 4:00pm CET (GMT +1).

Is there an application fee?
No, there is no application fee.

Do I need to contact the thesis director with whom I wish to work before applying?
No, you do not need to contact the thesis director before the second selection round.

How many PhD projects may I apply for?
You can apply for 1 or 2 PhD projects, without an order of preference.

How can I appeal the decision of the 1st & 2nd selection round?
Please send an email to phd.eureca [at] within one week after the email with the results has been sent to you.

How do I apply?
Fill in the online application form through the online application system. Once you have submitted your application, you will be notified by email and will be able to download an acknowledgment of receipt. Downloading your acknowledgment of receipt will enable you to prove that your application has been submitted.

Can I modify my application after submission? If so, how?
You can modify your application file via the online application system until the end of the call for applications by clicking on the "Cancel application" button.

Can I check the status of my application?
Yes, this is possible with the application system.

I have problems with the online application system. What should I do?
Please read the detailed FAQ for the online application system. For any technical difficulties, please contact phd.eureca [at]


Required documents

Do I need to have my degrees and transcripts translated into English for the application?
Yes, and you may translate them yourself.

Can I upload my CV (pdf or Word format, for example) directly into the online application system?
No. You will have to fill all the required fields of your CV in the online application system.

Can I upload my recommendation letters?
No, your referees have to upload the letters themselves before the application deadline. It is your duty to check that your referees have uploaded the letters so that your application is complete. Applicants must inform their referees that the recommendation letters have to be written on headed paper and must bear their signatures and an official stamp.

Are there any requirements regarding the recommendation letters?
Yes. Applicants should inform their referees to upload their recommendation letters before the application deadline (January 9, 2023 at 4:00pm CET). The recommendation letters must be written on headed paper and bear the signature of the referees and an official stamp.

Will I be informed once the referees have completed their references?
No but you can check this via the online application system.

What can I upload if I don’t have the diploma required by the online application tool?
On the application tool, you will be asked to upload a high school certificate, grades from high school, your Masters diploma and grades from Masters’ Degree.
For the High School documents, you can upload a document equivalent to a diploma: a certificate that you fulfilled all the requirements, for example.
For the Masters documents, you can upload a signed letter from the postgraduate office, certifying you fulfilled all the requirements. You should also upload the grades.

What happens if I forget to click on the "submit application" button?
Unfortunately, your application will not be taken into account.




When and how will I receive notification regarding interviews?
Applicants invited for interviews will be contacted by email after the 1st selection round.
Applicants wishing to apply for the EuReCa PhD program should inquire about the visa procedure regarding their country.

Following the interview, when will I be notified of acceptance for the EuReCa PhD program?
Applicants will be contacted by email after the 2nd selection round, in May 2023.

What are the criteria used by the Review Board and the Selection Committee to assess applications?
Applicants will be evaluated on their education, professional experience and personal experience.
Please note that knowledge of English will be evaluated.

When will the online interview take place?
The interview will last 3 days from April 17 to 19, 2023.


Completing a PhD


If I am selected for the EuReCa International PhD program, when do I start my PhD work?
Selected candidates will start their PhD work on September 1, 2023.

What is the duration of the program?
The PhD fellowship is awarded for 3 years.

Can I extend the duration of my thesis period?
Yes, it is possible to extend the duration of the thesis for a maximum of 1 year with additional funding. If needed, your thesis director will help you find additional funding.

If I am selected for the EuReCa International PhD program, will I have to register at a French university?
Yes, PhD fellows will be employed by Institut Curie and registered at a doctoral school as well as a French university. The university awards the PhD degree.

What do I need to register at a French university?
This depends on your university affiliation. This information will be provided by your thesis director.

Who delivers the PhD degree?
The university to which the PhD fellow is affiliated delivers the PhD degree.

How do I prepare for my entry into France?
Institut Curie’s Human Resources department will help you prepare for your entry in France.

What is the amount of the PhD fellowship?
The monthly gross salary of a EuReCa PhD student is 2100€/month.

For how long is the PhD fellowship awarded?
The PhD fellowship is awarded for 3 years. An additional period of max. 12 months might be granted if needed and upon request.

Does Institut Curie provide financial support for the family?

Does the EuReCa program allow for part-time enrolment?

How do I go about finding accommodation?
Housing is provided. Institut Curie has reserved rooms for EuReCa PhD fellows at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP). The PhD fellow pays the monthly rent at the CIUP (Single room:599 € per month for students under 30 years - 681 € per month for students over 30 years).

Where can I find more information about research at Institut Curie?
Please check the following link:

I have not found the answers to my questions; what should I do?
If you have further questions, please contact phd.eureca [at]